Nowadays, each and everyone is racing to become tech-savvy, social media has become a great influencer, especially for youth. Apart from social media, you have to fix your time for some productive work and a healthy lifestyle by opting for meditation, exercises, and many more outdoor activities for a healthy body and soul. Many people in today’s world are dealing with severe issues like stress, anxiety, depression, and work pressure, which harms their mental health and well-being. Who doesn’t like fame and recognition? Everyone does. But when we face rejection, failure, or when our social media posts don’t work, we are in great fear and anxiety.

Can you believe what role does social media has started casting in our lives? It is the extent of the influence it has on our lives.

Reasons to Take A Social Media Break

Two most important to take a social media break.

  1. Social media has affected lots and lots of people. It junks the mind and brain by stopping people from doing something productive. It leads to many health issues like depression; anxiety affects the brain, lifestyle, and many more.
  2. Leading to overall exhaustion of mind and body it reduces the ability to think and reason out. In other words, it clogs the brain and affects the vision. Mental pressure and stress arise by seeing your peer’s accomplishments and achievements through scrolling all time.

Signs for Taking a Break From Social Media

Some signs that show the need to take a break from social media are as follows:

Checking Your Phone Anytime

It is what social media addiction means. Every time you check your phone as soon as you wake up or go off to sleep. Replacing the phone with some meditation as soon as you get up will lead to inner peace and a better state of mind. You can also opt for some physical exercises like Aerobics or Zumba.

Charging Your Phone Twice A Day

Brand new phones have a great battery life, which should last at least 24 hours. Still, if it lasts only half a day due to your addiction to social media like Instagram or Facebook, then it might cause a threat to your life. Instead of relying on your phone, spend some time with your family by doing non-fire cooking and relaxing by enjoying the meal.

Finding Excuses to Check Social Media

Many people do this by going to the toilet to check their phones without any unwanted interruption. Going to the toilet for checking posts or other things is a different thing, but finding ways to go the toilet can lead to a problem unnecessarily. It indicates instead of social media, follow real-life conversations for a healthy body and mind too.

Can’t Leave Your Phone

No one likes separation from their phone as nowadays, phones have become an essential element in their lives. But believe me by planning somewhere outdoors, be it a park or a shopping area without a phone will give you more relaxation time. There would be no interruption of notifications. It will be only you and the beauty of nature you can sit and relax with.

Sharing Everything on Social Media

When you are out with your friends having a fun time, and your eyes stick to your phone, anxiously waiting to see the numerous likes or comments. It shows the amount of addiction you have with it. It leads to unhealthy relationships, be it your friend or a closed one. At times it is necessary to maintain a distance from social media and have a real face to face conversations with friends. You have to set a balance between your life and the virtual world. Have a fun time, chill and relax!

Uploading Only Edited Profile Picture

Using face apps or applying filters for editing your profile picture is OK. Everyone does it. But using too much of it every time is unavoidable because you have to reflect the real you in the outside world. So, Be the Real You and flaunt the beauty of who you are.

Only Stalking, Not Speaking

Many times it happens that you might not have spoken to a person for the past few years. But still, you know everything about them because you keep on checking their profiles. It is the impact social media has created in a person’s life. Instead of following them on social media, take a break, catch hold in real life, and chit-chat with them. It will give you far more happiness and pleasure than stalking their profile every time.

Reminiscing on Social Media

Often, people use social media to recall memories or when they feel idle or at the time of mood swings. Using it for these purposes is not applaudable. Instead, you can opt for something peace-giving or refreshing.

Obsessed about Likes

It is better to take a break from social media when you feel obsessed over the likes, comments, shares, etc.

Feeling Depressed

One should opt for a break when they feel burnt out, anxious, or depressed. I prefer a nature walk at this time.” Try it”, you would love to do it repeatedly.

Scrolling Screen for Hours

Endlessly sitting on a couch with your phone, scrolling up and down social media apps means you are ignoring your loved ones, your family, and friends. It indicates that you need to take a break from social media. Set your routine by spending some time on the real you, opt for self-care, self-development, and self- growth routines.

Jealousy to Others

Use your screen time as GST (Good Screen Time) by doing something beneficial for your own. Don’t just get pissed off by seeing others’ hard work and accomplishments. Follow GST by preferring some useful online courses that are of great help instead of just sitting idle and wasting time following others on Instagram.

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