Instead of pumping out more content, which is a good idea, your focus should also be on user experience (UX). This can make a pretty substantial difference in having a blog website versus having a successful blog site. Why? UX increases engagement, and engagement is what advertisers want to see. These are important blogging tips every blogger on the planet should be employing. Providing a powerful user experience is also pretty painless if you do a bit of due diligence. To make that UX research as easy as possible, we compiled a list of five UX tips to increase your blog website’s engagement. Let’s dive in!
1. Focus on font size
This is a very easy UX tip to employ. And it could make a huge impact on key metrics like “time on page” and “exit percentage” when it comes to showcasing your blog’s analytics. Why is font size important? People don’t want to strain their eyes to read tiny font. You’re lucky enough to have a user reading, so keep them reading by increasing the font size. The rule of thumb is the 12-point font or higher. But in the age of mobile devices, shoot for a 16-point font. This is a UX standard for website developers when creating responsive website designs. That’s because 16-point font generally looks and reads great on smartphones and tablets.
2. Increase on-page design assets
Reading block after block of text can be boring for users, leading them to give up shortly after starting. Instead, highlight important points and content using on-page design assets. This could be as simple as a quote box when you’re using a quote in a blog, or you can make percentages stand out with great graphics. The main aim is to break up the text with design. However, always think about page load time, another important UX element. If the images are not optimized, you could be doing more harm than good. You can use WordPress plugins like to keep optimization a priority.
3. Make that page margins wider
Another great UX tip to increase user engagement for your blog is to make your blog page margins wider. If you have ever read a blog that seems too squished together, you know what we’re talking about. This is why you shouldn’t do it with your blog website. When the margins are wider, there is less strain on a user’s eyes to read the text. Thus increasing the amount of time the user will read the content. Who knows, he or she may even make it through the whole article.
4. Make action easy for your users
One of the most talked-about aspects of great UX is having a clear call to action on every page. Even though you have a blog website and not necessarily selling a product or service, you still need to keep this user experience must-do in mind. It means keeping your blog sidebar simple and concise. Have a subscription widget, a social media widget, and a recent posts widget. But stay away from other clutter, as Twitter or Instagram feeds. Think about what you really want visitors to do once they land on your blog page. If you want them to read and subscribe, then focus on that and leave the rest off-page.
5. Keep text sections organized and short
The chances of a user reading all the content you have in a blog post is pretty slim. However, if you keep your text sections organized and short, engagement can increase exponentially. For instance, each text section should be three to four sentences, no longer than four lines. Each section of the text should have a clear purpose. For example, use subheaders to explain what exactly that section is covering. If all the text is a run-on section, like the old newspapers, users will leave your blog, never to return.
In conclusion…
The above five UX tips to increase user engagement for your blog are not the be-all, end-all. In fact, these are only the tip of the iceberg. They are, however, easy user experience tips to employ starting today. Engagement is important. Advertisers don’t want to see page views. They want to see if your audience actually interacting with your blog. How has UX helped increase your user engagement?