Email Tips for Lawyers and Law Firms
Respond On Time
Some lawyers don’t respond to emails and phone calls as quickly as they should. You can make your law firm stand out if you commit to answering all correspondence within one business day. You can impress your clients even more if you respond to emails and telephone calls faster. For example, there are law firms that respond to phone calls in two hours or less. Remember that while your law firm handles many clients and requests, the client calling you only worries about themselves, and that’s the way it should be. For them, their question or issue is the only thing that matters. Therefore, the faster you can respond, the better you will look, and the more satisfied the client will be.
Avoid Humor
It isn’t a good business practice to insert humor into an email. In writing, a joke can look awkward or insulting if someone takes it out of context. Some lawyers are tempted to respond to jokes in email, but you shouldn’t. You probably aren’t as funny as you believe, and taken out of context, your ‘humorous’ response could lead to trouble.
Review The Content
Have you noticed how much trouble people can get in when they use social media, Twitter, and email? They’re often professional and intelligent, but they forget to review the content of their correspondence before they hit the send button. It’s so easy to post a social media comment or send an email, but that’s when all of us need to be disciplined and focused, especially in a business setting. Check the content carefully of every email you intend to send before you press the send button. Then, you’ll never find yourself in hot water over a poorly conceived comment, and your law firm will enhance its professionalism.
Watch Out For ‘Bc’ And ‘Cc’
Always check to whom you’re sending the email. Even attorneys can forget that the ‘Cc’ field stands for carbon copy and will send the email to every address in that field. And the people receiving it can see everyone you sent the correspondence to. The ‘Bc’ field stands for ‘blind carbon copy’ and sends the message but conceals the address from the others you sent it to. If you send sensitive emails to the wrong people or to people that others can see in the ‘Cc’ field, you could have quite a problem on your hands. Also, be aware that the ‘to’ field may auto-populate, so you can easily send a sensitive client email to the wrong person.
Use A Business Email Signature
You can make it easier for clients and potential clients to contact you after they read your email if there is a professional email signature at the bottom. Please don’t assume that the client will know who you are by looking at the email address; most recipients won’t look at the email address automatically. However, you can make it easier for them by identifying yourself in the signature.
Keep Emails Short And Sweet
Most people use smartphones to read their emails, making it easier to read by keeping emails short. However, if you have to explain something more complex, a telephone or Zoom call could be a better option. Email is a vital part of legal communications, so keeping your electronic correspondence as professional and correct as possible will make your law firm look more professional.