What is the Writing Process?
Although, of course, there is no magic formula or infallible recipe to achieve that achievement, there are some basic premises, the result of the experience, which, by way of suggestions and regardless of the personal style that each person has in writing – which you must respect unless semantically and grammatically it is vitiated -, they should be exposed and explained so that they are taken into account at the writing time. In the real world, the situation is sometimes not as simple as this. Many students are forced to write essays in the midst of other tasks, and in this context, they require a smart way but never buy an essay.
Grammar is Important
The first thing to consider is the very nature of writing. Successive in time and space when combined to form phrases, words must be as precise and concise as possible when representing an idea or feeling and obey a grammatical scheme that governs in advance the construction of such phrases that, as they link together, will have to form meaningful paragraphs. Hence, without a thorough prior knowledge of the various grammatical structures and the mastery of a broad and varied vocabulary, the language (with which ideas and feelings will have to be expressed) will not have force or transcendence: they will die in their cradle, incapable of allowing them to take off, much less that they manage to convey what the author proposes. In this sense, the first thing, the most basic – study and learning material in the first years of primary school – is exercising in the habit of writing well. That is, with correctness and clarity. And in this sense, of course, reading is fundamental. Thus, whoever does not understand what he reads will not write what he thinks and feels. In practice, both must be given simultaneously and be performed from an early age, going from the simplest to the most complex.
Express the Right Emotion
Another important premise that you must take into account is that, in general terms, we can hardly write thoughts or emotions over which we ourselves do not have an acceptable degree of clarity. That is to say: how do we pretend to explain to others what we ourselves do not understand? Although it is true that when it comes to a more complex script, such as that given in a literary text – poem, story, novel – the author often writes precisely to try to understand better his inner chaos or that of the external world (sometimes even as a therapy), the truth is that the art of writing well implies that prior need to understand at least exactly what it is not understood, the valid paradox. The paradox is really only apparent since the mere fact of knowing how to raise the elements of the indecipherable, the enigmatic, the mysterious, the contradictory, or the absurd of life is already a way to begin to decipher it.
Fiction is Different
Besides, writing does not always seek to give answers: it is more common than a good novel, for example, fulfills its artistic mission and inquiring, positing obliquely, suggestive, the most pertinent questions. And one way to do it in literary fiction works is to create – with the talent, of course – situations, environments, and characters in which they embody those doubts or those contradictions in their way of acting.